Directed by Randy Neale
Featuring Sharon Graci, Mark Landis, David Mandel & Katie Smith
Seating is limited!
“PURE's four-person cast is outstanding, with a strong chemistry that must be born of mutual trust. Mark Landis' Ehrlich is paternal and generous, evincing both his love for Sarah and Jamie and his inability to understand what drives them. Mandy, played beautifully by Katie Smith, is a perfect foil for Sharon Graci's Sarah: guileless, vulnerable, and open-hearted. . . . David Mandel gives a moving performance as Jamie, who, as the play unfolds, opens himself more and more to Sarah, in a way that we can tell he has never allowed himself to do before . . . But in this truly excellent cast, Sharon Graci's portrayal of Sarah is the real standout. Graci is utterly convincing as the dedicated photojournalist who sometimes tries, but more often fails to hide her condescension when it comes to other people's humdrum lives . . .Time Stands Still, like most PURE Theater productions, is not to be missed.” (READ FULL REVIEW)
—Elizabeth Pandolfi, Charleston City Paper
“PURE CAST SIZZLES IN SEASON OPENER: WHEN THE CONFLUENCE of playwright, cast, director, and every production element—down to the intr’acte music—reaches the level that PURE Theatre did Friday night, an evening of theatre becomes AN EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCE. Hyperbole? Hardly . . . Sharon Graci offers a sublime performance . . . David Mandel gives a finely-tuned characterization . . . [Mark] Landis draws on his extensive professional stage experience to etch an intelligent portrait of a man apparently in typical mid-life crisis who becomes honest enough to acknowledge he finds fulfillment in a conventional way. [Katie] Smith, in her every word and gesture, exemplifies the ingénue who gets exactly what she wants without guile or pretense. While the individual performances are stellar, director Randy Neale uses his uncanny ability to meld these actors into an ensemble that plays off each other like the stage veterans they are. What turns this show into an “Aha!” moment is the unfailingly natural way the players move, speak, and turn into people we know. A multi-themed play that balances high drama with comedy. . . riveting performances. Whatever else is happening in your world, do not miss this production.” (READ FULL REVIEW)
—Carol Furtwangler, Charleston Today
PURE Theatre is funded in part through the support of the South Carolina Arts Commission and the Wallace Foundation, Building Participation Initiative.