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843.723.4444 info@puretheatre.org

has been a PURE Core Ensemble Member since 2004. His PURE acting credits include The Lehman Trilogy, Compulsion, Hangmen, True West, Sweat (2019 Piccolo Spoleto Festival & 2018 MOJA Festival), Straight White Men, If I Forget, Father Comes Home from the Wars: Parts 1, 2 & 3, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, The Realistic Joneses , Rapture, Blister, Burn, Glengarry Glen Ross, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, Russian Transport, Penelope, Clybourne Park, Good People, A Behanding in Spokane, In the Next Room (or the vibrator play), True West, Grace, Beauty Queen of Leenane, Grace, Man From Nebraska, Jesus Hopped the “A” Train, The Seafarer, Shining City, Up, The Pillowman, and American Buffalo. His playwright credits include Sam’s Corner, The Complete History of Charleston for Morons, Horse Tranqs & Carriage People, Holiday Shorts from the PURE Lab and Low Country Boil, which won Charleston City Paper’s Best Non-Piccolo Play of 2010. His directing credits at PURE include A Number, Killer Joe, Horse Tranqs & Carriage People, Love Song, Holiday Shorts from the PURE Lab, and Low Country Boil.