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843.723.4444 info@puretheatre.org

Favorite local credits include The Agitators, Fun Home, and The Last Five Years with PURE, Lippa’s The Wild Party, Gypsy, and [Title of Show] (Village Repertory Co.), Much Ado About Nothing (Holy City Shakespeare), Ragtime, and I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (Charleston Stage). Other favorites include West Side Story, The Sound of Music, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolfe, I Do! I Do!, Thou Shalt Not, and 42nd Street. Emily is a graduate of Catawba College and trained extensively with the Flat Rock Playhouse Theatre. Before settling in Charleston she was seen on the stages of the Circle Theatre, Round Barn Theatre, Fredericksburg Theatre Co., MacHaydn Theatre, and Flat Rock Playhouse. Emily currently spends her days working with Stone-Goff Partners and Cody Lassen Productions and doing all things “mom” (her most favorite role ever).